School News

AP Art Show–Virtual Edition

Virtual Art Gallery

This year, students of the AP Studio Arts program submitted their portfolios without having an opportunity to show their work to family and friends in a Gallery setting.

We would like to acknowledge their hard work and the countless hours each student spent on the development of ideas and the production of a body of work based on personal inquiry.

The AP Portfolio presents students with a unique opportunity to spend a year exploring and refining their artistic practice. This virtual show is a celebration of their hard work and commitment to excellence.


This quote by the artist Louise Bourgeois seems particularly apt at this moment, please enjoy the show and encourage our school and greater community to do the same.

–Jean MacRae, Mia Lehtonen

*NOTE: To lessen the risk of our students’ works being copied without permission and released publicly on the web, the site requires that viewers are logged into their district account.  Students & staff, please share the site with your families.   Thanks.